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  • 執筆者の写真Enlightenment Staff

I finally found the meditation for a state of enlightenment.

Hi, there,first of all, let me say thank you for everyone in the world who guided my soul to what it had truly expected,and had given this opportunities at this time.

Especially ,for mari,You are just amazing to lead me that way,thank you for every opportunity.

My name is Rakesh Aishrahm.

I was born in India, grew up in India, and still live in India. I could not imagine that this is just a coincidence? I have been thinking about it, since I was a small. It might be a kind of mistake.

I can not help thinking in that way.

My current father took me his home when I was 3 years old, I was aimlessly on the street, to be picked up or to grow up.

My birth mother ”abandoned me”, and I was sold to a trafficker. Two of my new father and mother's children were kidnapped right" in front of me," and now I only have my brother and sister.Every happening in India was just like a nightmare, so I went to the Himalayas when I was 21 to find out who I am. I heard there was a meditation to know myself.

I was told that in order to know who I am, I should be a monk in training, but I knew somewhere, somehow, that there was no meaning in being trained.

The only way to know myself is to find out for myself. In the Himalayas, the way of thinking to be training was so valuable that I did not need to look at myself very much.I meditated in my own country and in Thailand, but in the end, I could not reach deep meditation somehow.

Then one day, I was browsing Facebook and came across an article by Mari.

"integrative meditation for beyond 2 poles"

I had never heard of that, and I thought it must be the common meditation that I used to.

But I always wanted to try what is called "meditation," so I emailed her and asked her to teach me out of curiosity.

I understood that the effects of this meditation technique would be reflected immediately with just a little meditation doing.

This is a meditation on transcendence, or separation from the ego. The meditation is simple to do, but there is no doubt that transcendence is very difficult.I was amazed by the method of transcendence, which I had never seen before in India or in the Himalayas.

I am sure that if I keep doing this, I can become a Buddha, so I have continued to do it every day.

Besides, Mari always has a strict way of guiding meditation.

She never showed any sympathy or empathy for my painful stories but asked me, "So, have you cleaned it up? Is there any of the opposite left?" She only pays attention to cleaning away in my mind inside, anyway.

When I was almost left penniless after having my money taken, she scolded me for not having taken the opposite items and not achieving transcendence.

Thanks to them, I transcended quickly. If I had been sympathetic there, or had been given a good word, I might have slavishly thought those values were a good thing and meditated on them, holding on to them.

I let go and got rid of a lot of values that I thought were good, or the way it is.


"If I don't have enough money, they would share with me."

"If I don't have money, I would find a place where I might have eaten."

"If I have money, I would have fun."

"If I have money, I would be successful."

"If I have suffering, I could get sympathy."

"Suffering is a shortcut to Buddhahood."

And when I transcended that, I got the money.

Here again, it makes me even a little happier about that.

Mari said to me immediately. If you didn't get it completely, the situations would come back later to learn more. That word was my driving force behind transcendence at that time.

That word was my driving force behind transcendence at that time.

Whenever I talk too much from ego, Mari would say,

"You can take your time to feed the ego and have fun. I'll leave this stuffed doll here as a counselor. Please talk to this girl as much as you like, and if you feel like transcending, I will come back again.” She put such a funny, ridiculous, and humorous stuffed doll in front of me.

She only take me time to help” my soul grow”,otherwise, ego is so tricky,you know, and gets me into trouble; I almost fed it to grow fat.

I thought that it might be a habit or a childish ego from my childhood to want to be understood or to seek kindness, and that there was no need to listen to it. I learned that what I needed was transcendence.

Those words made me abandon my ideals and my sense of self-worth more and more. Mari's strictness is something that inspires growth forward in my spirit, But egos are sick and tired of it. So, it is very easy to catch egos.

I don't know if it's an Indian habit or mine, but I'm basically optimistic, and I live my life with the feeling that if today is good enough, I'll be fine. Mari's sharp words are making me awaken, and I cannot return to falling asleep as my mind is now awake.

When I found Divine love inside, everything I felt was on the horizon.

That horizon extended far away with love.

Everything was even, equal, peaceful, and surrounded by Divine love.

"Is there harmony there? "

I was asked by Mari.

"Harmony?? What is harmony?"

I started by learning about harmony because there were no items of harmony in my mind.

I thought there was less harmony in Indian life. People are all doing what they want to do and living the way they want to live.

When I saw online that I realized Japanese are the beauty of harmony.

Whenever I connected with Mari, the other side was always clean and in order.

There were almost no loud noises, horns, or sirens as well. Everyone was calm, and it was so nice to see people, even those I do not know, waving at me and saying hello with a smiley.

It was when I saw over the screen by online that I realized the harmony one day.When I connected by online, the other side is always clean and in order.

There are no loud noises, horns, or sirens. Everyone is calm, and it was so nice to see people, even those I do not know, waving at me and saying hello with a smile.

When I saw on the screen Japanese people living in a world where everyone followed invisible rules and laws, I thought it was very harmonious.

It was so comfortable. I was thinking about what I should do for harmony when I suddenly found it within myself. It's so important to harmonize with the whole to be in oneness with Divine love, isn't it? I will continue to pass on this meditation as it is helpful to people from all walks of life.

Thank you for your continued support, anyway.Thank you so much.





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