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  • 執筆者の写真Enlightenment Staff

Announced from wisdom

Departure to a Higher Dimension

As the Great Transformation takes place, material beings and systems from the old energies and ideas throughout the planet are being greatly destroyed.

In the journey of ascension, there came a time when we had to expose all of our true feelings and collapse them all.

For us, to get used to this major shift, we can just make a choice to welcome and embrace how it is going on.

As stronger cosmic energy moves from inside, we somtimes experience variety of disorders by physically, mentally and emotionally as well which is called "a shift ”or called" ascension”.

To be realized love inside ,and In order from a soul ready to learn and live in love itself,aware the gentle guidance from inside,and follow that guidance return you to your true essence which is calm,peace,and as you are already.

Our conciousness may bring suffering to get great changes for making progress,like an airplane getting caught in turbulence.

Any emptiness you are feeling by meditating,or facing your truth of yourself inside that is not just emptiness,but in tune with the vibrations that standard for setting love rhythmically and creating a harmonious world which is called” ripening period" so that even when things do not go smoothly,just enjoy yourself That is what they tell us.

Higher dimensions also tell us that this is your rhythm now, and you can just accept it without resistance.

When you get on the track inside ,you are about to flap your wings to great freedom,and you will be able to feel that love and soul had become growing and growing on.

It will be in a state of balance with the whole ,your inside,love and harmony will spread through you that is the best will be available, carried on such as unthinkable good ways whenever it is.

However,Even if you are great light worker,people sometimes would not accept your light,or love.For them,it will seem as if they are threaten to them,and the nature of the ego is unreasonable and self-centered,as we used to.Just forgive them anyway.

You are always with the truth.

In the way you were created to be shine as a lightworker live in this world.

True light workers are not purpose here to be liked or praised even not ego satisfy,but basis on the Universe,and if we could be faithful to love and God,we can carry out as a lightworker anywhere anytime even if not social status,or degree, which means that love prove you how you are.

When you begin to live from your essential self your vibrations will be able to resonate with many people in a well-rounded balance and be transmitted to the whole.

I wish we could be a lightworker dedicating to love and God, feeling together through this blog.

Now, you are the pilot of your life. Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to take off for a journey to a higher dimension!

Enjoy your own special unique trip.





記事: Blog2_Post
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