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  • 執筆者の写真Enlightenment Staff

Laws of the Universe (1) Law of Yin-Yang

This meditation uses the laws of the universe.

There are two laws of the universe to use.

law of yin and yang:for example,male and female,  positive and negative,as there is light and shadow.This universe is created so that we can experience the two poles of yin and yang. When you transcend the two poles of which is positive,and neagative,or two pole inside,you can attain love and enlightenment and be your true self.

         Let us begin with the law of yin and yang.From the time we are born until now, we have lived through many pleasant and unpleasant emotions.

Pleasant emotions include fun, happy, awesome! , pleasant, easy, relief, great, and many others.

Unpleasant feelings include fear, anxiety, guilty, shocked, anger, distress, pain,panic sadness, and many others.

You will experience the poles, swinging back and forth between both pleasant and unpleasant emotions that you have chosen for yourself in the distant past.

               Let us take the example,when you win or succeed in something, you would feel comfortable. On the other hand, if you don't win or fail to win, you will have unpleasant negative feelings.

No matter what you do at any given time, you will not continue to win or continue to be successful.

         We think that we should live a life of only good feelings, and we seek happiness outside instead of within ourselves , or we try to change our partner or our place in the world, but we keep holding on to the two poles we have chosen, one day the pendulum will swing to the other side,because you can't learn enough only one side of the story.

people in the world are as rich as you are, you will never experience the goodness of the rich and what it is like to be rich.

To be empathy , you need people on the other side of the rich. And by being the other side yourself, you can understand deeply what it is like to be rich.

Just as we get bored if we keep playing the same game, when our souls realized  living from the two poles which is satisfied,we could stop going back and forth between the two poles.

These days,such people come and see us to meditate or integrate more and more.

Not going back and forth between the two poles is called moderation or the middle of the inner self. In this meditation, everyone can become such themselves.





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