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  • 執筆者の写真Enlightenment Staff

Self introduction


Now, let me introduce myself running the website.

My name is Mari Fujimoto who has been meditating for seven years.

   I have yearned to live abroad as  I was  a teenager , and had been to  Canada.After  coming back to  Japan, I acquired the skills necessary for Japanese language teachers and sushi chefs,and I tried to go back to Canada.However, I couldn't get a chance to do it in.

My 30's,when I wanted to find out why it had not ben work,l got to know this meditation.

Sensei told me  that the soul seeking enlightenment unconsciously choose a life that is not successful even after seeking general bipolar success. 

Sensei  also had explained about the law of universe , I found out my karma that had been exactly to be returned as I put out.

As I had started meditation, in order to integrate all two poles ,I could see my past life and other people's past lives, and I had a lot of thoughts and karma to continue from the past.

If you're suffering from something you would not never know in your daily life, that  might have been created in your past life as karma.  

I looked inside carefully to integrate my ego and ideas in every detail.

My own karma had been to be  difficulty of living , because of separation of  inner, even self-denial ,  and symptoms of  diseases that have occurred to a personally had made me hard-to-live.

However,January 2022 when I was free from as  much  as  ego to be  got out,live from a perspective shifted to essential love which was  really perfect world.

I mean, suddenly, It have kept opening  the  gate of the essence which is  galaxy energy.

2016 .5.

I met my husband to get rid of all the poles and ego. From this day on, I had meditated everyday for 30 items.


Finding inner peace, harmony and love

2018.5:I  tried to explore inner love deeply, and even more, darkness overflow which i  had not been  able to  imagine


I got a message from God inside.


To hard meditation every night during pregnancy stabilization, wanting to go beyond emotion and bipolar and rising from within.


 The gate of essence starts  openlng from my inside.  I  was guided by  inner  galaxy  for  serving  to have  become God's hands and feet, and will   explore for higher order.       

I've always been unconsciously pursuing my ideals, but when I reached the world of essential love, I found a world so wonderful that all my ideals seemed like insignificant. I will do my best that the love of essential flows through me that becomes the foundation of God that will be poured gently into someone.

Starting in 2023,I  realized that this meditation would be  needed  for people anywhere,so that I have decided to start writing blog with English for them who wants to integrate ,or  get rid of  suffering.

  I am afraid of  my English abilities making you understand down to the detail ,it would be encouraging if the awareness and experience that somebody will be totally changed,or could be a light that warmly illuminates someone.

 I am ready to lead as a meditationer as many souls as possible on Earth and whole to wake  souls  up  from this  blog. I appreciate that I would keep meditationing, and support  from now on,to live from the essence of the soul, and purpose of living from the next stage and from love .

thank you for reading it until the very end.





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