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  • 執筆者の写真Enlightenment Staff

Tibetan pastoral elephant chart ⑵

This is a continuation from Tibetan pastoral elephant chart ⑴.

We are going to start from the description of ⑤.

⑤Foxes also become whiter through meditation. Another difference between ⑤ and ④ is the order in which they are lined up. The difference between ⑤ and ④ is that the order is different. In ④, the order is monkey, elephant, and human, but in ⑤, it is human, elephant, and monkey. The ego has been leading the way until now, but from this point on, the soul is leading the way. The elephants and monkeys have also whitened up considerably by this point.

The difference between ⑥and ⑤ is the direction one is headed. Until then, if one did not pay attention to the mind and ego, there was a possibility of going off the path, but that worry is eliminated. The mind and ego will follow the soul even when looking forward. After this stage, you will find peace within yourself. Then you will find harmony. Once you find peace and harmony, it will not disappear until you leave your body.

⑦is finally time to say goodbye to the monkeys. The monkey cannot go beyond this point. Only after the monkey leaves can you find love within yourself. You should aim for this stage as your first major goal. The love you have found is the eternal and immortal love of God, and it will be the basis of your life from now on.

⑧ Finding love is not the end of the road. This is the halfway point to full enlightenment. However, there is no way to go on without finding love. When you can live from Divine Love, you have reached the stage ⑧. Living from Divine Love is different from living from the ego, which is to live while giving love from inner.

⑨ If you proceed with this meditation and transcend all your likes and dislikes, you will be in a completely enlightened state. You can stay in this state for a while. You can also enter the shrine depicted on the left and choose to play the role of "the god of ~" to give happiness, etc. to people.

From here, we will take the rainbow path, not the white path. You will become one with your mind; there are no likes or dislikes between the two poles, but you will remove the parts of yourself that are not worthy of the God you have believed in until now. After this, you will be divided into the path of liberation and the path of preaching the truth to others, but you are free to choose which path you will follow. You can do both.

⑪ Some people who have been liberated in past lives come down through the cloud ladder and become my way and lead others. Therefore, the direction is facing the opposite direction.

⑫You will be liberated from the cycle of reincarnation. You can stay without a body from your next life. If you want to lead others, you can lead them. From this point on, there is no path. The next stage is like an instantaneous transition from one life to the next.

⑬There are three stages of liberation. This is the intermediate stage.

⑭This is the last stage where the physical body can be maintained. The body also becomes diluted. Beyond this point, the body can no longer be maintained.


Although the road ahead seem like such a long way, we are already ready for the growth phase.

May we grow courageously into greater love, and may this growth bring love, harmony, and peace to the earth.

Divine blessings to all.





記事: Blog2_Post
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